About Me
Lt. Hajiram Beevi J., M.Sc., M.Phil., NET., SLET., (Ph.D) is an Assistant Professor of Computer Applications at Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu. She has over ten years of experience in teaching computer science to graduate students besides research. She is an instructor par excellence. She had started coaching for NET/SET way back in 2015. She now runs EKALAVYA ACADEMY which conducts coaching classes for NET/SET/TET. Her hard work, dedication, sincerity reflects in her disciplined training which has helped many students to successfully qualify in the various competitive exams. She is also multi-talented personality. She has bagged the best NSS officer award in 2014 from Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamil Nadu. She has successfully completed three months PRCN training in OTA Gwalior in 2017. Now she is the NCC officer of Girls wing in the college. She has published many research papers in her fields of interest viz., E-Learning 2.0, Knowledge Acquisition, Rough Set Theory and Folksonomies. Her activities currently focus on Big Data Analytics with Image Processing. She has published the books on “PRIMER ON PHP” and “NTA UGC NET PRACTICE WORK BOOK (PAPER 1)”.
Profile Overview
